What Your Website Says About You

It’s all very well telling people about how good you may be when handing out those all important business cards  but potential clients can make a lot of assumptions based on what they see online.  If a site looks tired or amateurish, it could be more detrimental than useful.  It’s all about raising the profile and awareness of what you can offer. Make the site shine and you will shine.

It is a fact that a lick of paint will freshen up the most dated of rooms. With technology forever changing and updating, it is little wonder that things become out dated.

It’s not all bad.  With a little TLC, your tired, old website can be looking all spangly and new with a little help from us at Alex Goodey Communications.

There is no need to lose your hosting and domain name in the process of updating.  We simply move your site onto the latest web design software where the sky is the limit!

The most innovative of websites have a few tricks in common.  Mailing lists, virtual newsletters, blogs outlining your latest achievements and goals, exciting and bold photo galleries, animation and our personal favourites – video and audio sections.  In this competitive age of technology, the website is one of the most powerful mediums to get yourself and your business out there.   Would you use a service or book an act if their website looks shabby?

If your website looks and is professional, so does your business. Many people fall at the first hurdle by trying to create a site with no experience or vision.  A little investment goes along way with these things and a good website sorts the men from the boys!

We at Alex Goodey Communications guarantee a comprehensive service allowing you, the client to have as much input as you want at affordable prices with ongoing support be that producing news letters, blogging and other updates constantly needed for you to be on top of your game.

Take that first step and contact us directly for a free consultation!