Parsnip and Sweet Potato Rosti

This is a great autumn favourite of mine, however I didn’t grow any sweet potatoes and my parsnips aren’t ready for digging up yet so a call to the green grocer was necessary:(

I am not sure where I originally found the recipe, but you can make it with a low fat cheese so it can be an incredibly low fat dish if required.



Mix the sweet potato, parsnip, onion and egg together in a large bowl and season. Heat a large ovenproof frying pan on the hob with a little oil.

Add half of the vegetable mixture to the pan and sprinkle with half of the cheese. Cover with the remaining vegetable mixture and sprinkle the remaining cheese on the top.

Return to the hob and turn your grill on to warm up.

Once the Rosti has cooked half-way through, remove the pan from the hob and place it under the grill to cook the top of the Rosti.

Serve with a small side salad and enjoy!